Get your impression kit
Everything you need to start in one box
39 £
Get your free impression kit, paying only 39 £ for shipping
In your box you will find:
- impression trays (two upper and two lower),
- impression mould materials (four boxes base and four catalyst),
- smile stretcher,
- gloves for mixing the putty and
- a return shipping label.
You will also have: free shipping, certified orthodontist review and a treatment plan designed especially for you.
Your aligners kit
950 £
The most affordable way to straighten your teeth in the whole industry. You will receive an incomparable treatment preview by the most skilled orthodontists.
- Hand-trimmed, custom-fit aligners.
- Fix your smile for three to nine months.
- Avoid waiting rooms.
- Our support is available 24/7
Aligner Kits can only be ordered after you have completed impression kit and you are approved for aligners. If you are not sure how this works, please check out our explainer page How it works?
Bee Correct whitening system.
Whitening Kit
159 £
119 £
Our Bee Correct whitening kit has everything you need to achieve your bright and confident smile.
- Lactose-free,
- Gluten-free,
- Soy-free,
- Vegan,
- enamel-safe whitening agent used by dentists.
What are patients saying about Bee Correct?
Here you can understand how Bee Correct has changed their smile and improved their lives.